News & Events
Press Releases
Press Release No1
Train-the-Trainers Seminar & 3rd Managerial Meeting
The project’s 3rd Managerial Meeting was held in Athens from the 14th to 15th of January 2011, in the conference room of Herakleidon Museum. Prior to the meeting was held the Train-the-Trainers Seminar (13th of January 2011). The Seminar and the Meeting was organized by EAVN and a total of 14 participants attended the Seminar/Meeting.
List of Working Files
- Meeting Agenda
- Train-the-Trainers' Seminar - Power Point Presentations
- Teachers' Seminars (.pps)
- 3rd Managerial Meeting - Power Point Presentations
- Experts' Evaluation Results (.pps)
- Focus Groups Evaluation: Greece, Croatia, Germany, Austria
- Teachers' Training: Greece, Germany, Austria
- GEAR against IPV Workshops: Greece, Germany, Austria
- Leaflet Production
- External Evaluation & Reflection on Process (.pps)
2nd Managerial Meeting
The project’s 2nd Managerial Meeting was held in Berlin from the 25th to 26th of June 2010, in the conference room of Hotel de France, Centre Français de Berlin. The meeting was organized by the European Anti-Violence Network in collaboration with the partner organization SPI Forschung gGmbH.
- Brief overview of overall work progress (Feb - June 2010)
- Booklet II: Guidelines for conducting a GEAR against IPV Teachers' Seminar
- Booklet III: Teacher's Manual & Booklet IV: Student's Activity Book
- Booklet I: How to develop the National GEAR against IPV Packages
- Experts' Evaluation
- Focus Groups: Face Validity Evaluation
- Process Evaluation
- External Evaluation
- Dissemination
The project’s 1st Managerial Meeting was held in Athens from the 29th to 30th of January 2010, in the conference room of Hotel Acropolis Select. The meeting was organized by EAVN and a total of 12 representatives of organizations that are participating in the project attended the meeting in order to organize and mutually decide upon important steps of the project.
- Meeting Agenda
- Contact details list
- Power Point Presentations
- WorkPlan & Timetable
- Overview of the DAPHNE Project "Improving the Response to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Military Settings"
Experience from the project's implementation in small groups
- GEAR against IPV Master Package: Suggested Structure, Content & Evaluation
- Literature Review Methodology and Extraction Form
- Presentation of material useful to be used for the "GEAR against IPV" project from Croatia and Greece
- Financial Issues
- Implementation Methodology
- Process Evaluation
- The concept of the Project's logo
- The project's PowerPoint Presenations Template
- Summary and future tasks
- Other Working Documents
- Focus Groups Overview & Discussion Guide for Teachers' and Students' Focus Groups
- GEAR agsinst IPV Master Package Contents
- Dissemination Plan
- Letterhead Template
- Project's Logo (.jpg) (.png small) (.png large)
- Folder's Label
- List of documents to justify expenses